With Windows 7 out of all support with Microsoft, it's time to move to Windows 10. If you want to upgrade your existing computer rather than replacing it, you can upgrade for free. Here's how you do it:
Before you start, be sure your computer’s backup is up to date and save and close any programs you are working in. Also, this upgrade can take up to two hours to complete on an older system, so plan accordingly.
First, you’ll need to download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool from Microsoft. You can get it here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO
Alternatively you can go a Google search for “Windows media creation tool” and it should be the first result.

Download the Media Creation Tool by clicking the blue Download tool now box and run it

Click yes to the security dialog box when prompted

Accept the license agreement

When prompted, choose the option for “Upgrade this PC now” and click Next

It may take a while to download and prepare the setup process. You may be prompted that some software will not work after the upgrade. Confirm that it is not something critical and click the Confirm button and then Next.

Eventually you will see the Ready to Install screen. Be sure it says it will Keep personal files and apps and click the Install button.

You’ll see the screen change and show you the progress while Windows 10 installs. Your computer may restart several times during this process.

Once the computer finishes the upgrade, log into the computer and you will be prompted with some security questions, answer them as you see fit.

Congratulations! You are now running Windows 10!
If you experience any problems, feel free to contact me for help.